Hi - My name is Philip Mcavoy.
I have a Huge interest in Sound Effects and...
In the past, I completed a short course (Record Production) at Point Blank music studios in London. I started creating trance music demos in my own small production studio. During these times I have gained many years of experience in...
Many of the above tasks are used at times during the design and production of sound effects.
During the production of my trance music demos, I soon discovered that something was missing. I needed something extra, something to enhance the tracks and carry them further, and to make them stand out and be extra exciting.
I Needed Sound Effects.
As I stated on my home page, I needed Sound Effects to enhance my music tracks and that’s how I started to create them.
I gradually built a collection of Sounds, and with them, experience in creating them.
I started (SoundFxProducer.com) to take my knowledge of Sound Effects to the next level, and further develop new ways of using Sound Effects. To raise awareness of how useful they are and how many applications they can be applied to.
I love creating sound effects, editing, processing and using them. This is why I want people like You to Benefit, by passing on my experience and knowledge of Sound Effects.